REJUVENATED: Visiting Toronto's Body Blitz Spa

homeimage1 Life has been extremely busy lately, and it's been hard enough finding time to pee some days, let alone trying to find time to pamper myself. Luckily, peeing AND pampering time presented itself last week, when I had a chance to visit Toronto's women's-only Body Blitz Spa.

With two locations in downtown Toronto, Body Blitz Spa focuses on the health benefits of water, utilizing ancient restorative water practices. The spa offers traditional services like massages, facials, body scrubs, and more - but the highlight is in Body Blitz's water circuit.

I'll be honest. I know that water is integral to our existence as humans, with 70% of our bodies comprised of the stuff and all. I also know that when I cut out pop and juice in exchange for water, my hair and skin are extremely happy. However - fighting my sweet tooth that prefers juices over H2O can be a struggle, and I'm always challenging myself to drink more water. After one visit to Body Blitz, my belief in the simple power of water has been restored, and I'm already plotting my return.

First off - decide if you're going nude or rocking a bathing suit. Either option is fine, but if it's that time of the month, you'll be asked to wear a bathing suit bottom. Body Blitz provides you with your own locker, flip flops, towels, robe, hair elastics, and a laminated poster detailing the process for the water circuit.


After an initial shower in the shower station (yummy citrus body wash, shampoo, and conditioner provided), you start off in the warm Dead Sea Salt pool. This pool helps to relax muscles, aids in the removal of toxins in the body, and helps replenish the body with important nutrients. Next, is the eucalyptus oil steam room, which is amazing for relaxation, increasing circulation, and cleansing the skin. The steam room will open your sinuses up and have you sweating like a pig - but it feels incredible.

A quick shower follows the steam room, then it's time for a 1-minute plunge in the cold pool. This requires a bit of mind over matter, because the sh*t is COLD. But it has a purpose - the cold plunge helps to increase the body's energy level, tighten your pores, and helps to balance your body temperature.

After the cold plunge, it's time for the infrared sauna. This sauna draws out 3 times more sweat than traditional saunas, leading to an even deeper detoxification process. Where the steam room was a somewhat aggressive heat that took some getting used to, the sauna was hot but very comfortable. One round in the steam room and sauna, and I sweat like I've never sweat before - but it felt so good!

Another rinse in the showers, then another cold plunge is next. The shift between hot and cold temperatures helps to tone your skin and regulate body temperature and heart rate.

Next is the heated Epsom salt pool, which helps to relieve muscle pain, reduce inflammation, improves both sleep and concentration, and regulates a number of enzymes in the body. After another shower rinse, it's time for one last minute in the cold plunge, and the circuit is complete.

One circuit took me about an hour to complete when you factor in small wait times for showers, water breaks (which you need a lot of to replenish your body), and lingering a bit in some of the more relaxing parts of the circuit. I was quite rejuvenated after two full cycles so I called it a day at that point - Body Blitz recommends no more than 2 hours in the pools, but there's no real limit on the time spent there. That being said, it is prudent to heed the time frames given for each stop on the water circuit. Too short? You may not get the desired benefits. Too long? Your body may get too much of a good thing or be overly depleted - so be careful. Staff are always around to answer questions or provide you with anything you need to make your stay enjoyable, and they did an amazing job while I was there.

How did I feel after the water circuit? Like a gotdamn brand new woman, to be honest. My body felt lighter, I felt more calm mentally than I had been in a long time, and I felt almost like a wet rag that had been wrung out really, really well. The last thing I wanted to do was put any junk in my body, so it actually helped to kickstart a renewed health and wellness focus. If a Body Blitz trip could be a quarterly treat to myself, whew - I'd be the finest, most Zen version of myself EVER. I'll be giving up Tim Hortons runs and buying lunches to facilitate this.

At $54 a visit for access to the pools (except for Tuesdays, where the price drops to $44), Body Blitz is a truly awesome experience that leaves you seeing and feeling its benefit even days afterwards. Feel like trickin' on yaself a bit more? Splurge for a massage, facial, body scrub, or other spa treatment available at Body Blitz.

Since my visit, I've been motivated to eat better, drink more water, and get in a good sweat when I can. It was a great reminder that my body requires care to run efficiently, and I'm doing myself a huge disservice by running it ragged with no time to reboot. Thanks to Body Blitz, I feel like I'm back on track - and I can't wait to go again soon.

P.S. - this was written purely out of my positive experience at Body Blitz, and was not a sponsored post.

All images c/o Body Blitz Spa

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