Looking Forward...

Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada just passed, and most people expressed their gratitude for things in the present. The year is quickly wrapping up, and soon we'll be reminiscing on what 2011 meant to us. But before we get there, I want to be a bit forward-thinking, and do my little happy dance for the things coming up in the near future.

I always like to look ahead, because the monotonous days and busy nights are an easier pill to swallow when I have something to look forward to. Plus, I like to put positive things out in the universe and hope that they come my way. I like attainable goals at times, and I always like to start celebrating things as early as possible, so bear with me. Here's my list of the great things to come:

  • Curing my hair boredom: I'm planning on doing something crazy with my hair...you'll have to stay tuned!
  • C'est L'halloween: I haven't dressed up or gone out for Hallowe'en in years - but I'll be going all out at the Fashionably Late party on October 28th!
  • Honeymooning: It's about damn time! Just me, Mister Man, a butler, beach, beverages, and bomb-ass food.
  • Watch The Throne: Yes, this will be my 4th time seeing Jay-Z in concert. And no, I don't give a damn! As my mom said, "Jay-Z and Beyonce baby have dem college money and nuh born yet! And you still have bills fi pay!" Thanks, Mom.
  • Christmas holidays: food, friends, family = love. Chestnuts roasting by an open fire or dinner at Mom's with curry goat and escovitch fish, whatever floats your boat.
  • Ringing in 2012: There's nothing like a new year and a new beginning to motivate you...
  • plus a bunch of secret things that I'm claiming and praying for and hoping I can brag about to you all soon enough :)

Sometimes it just takes sitting back and realizing what's on the horizon to get you excited and put a lil pep in your step! So...what things are YOU looking forward to?

Stylistas: 2 Cool Fashion Blogs

I Think I've Lost It.