WASH & GO WONDERS: Tips For The Best Wash n' Go Ever

Lately, I've been feeling like the hair goddesses have been smiling down on me! First, I enjoyed a full two weeks of beautifully flat ironed hair, and then, I enjoyed the best wash n' go of my entire life. It's been a few days, and I'm still amazed at how defined and tangle-free my curls are! Let me share how I got to this place of wash n' go happiness...

Now, this won't be a salon review post (that's coming later!), but I will share that I had my first appointment at the well-known Curl Ambassadors salon in Toronto. I had heard amazing things about this salon, but when I learned that 1st time clients can get a $20 wash and style (adorably called the "Curly Doo"), I was sold! I booked my appointment and made my way down to the Bathurst and Bloor area where Curl Ambassadors is located.

Call me silly, but I love washing my hair after having it flat ironed. Watching my curls pop back to life (and knowing that my detangling session will be dramatically reduced) tickles me in a special way. Hey, I said you could call me silly! So, I was especially happy when my stylist Jackie washed my hair and commented on how luscious my curls were. No heat damage for this girl!

Now. Once I started to realize that Jackie was going to do a wash n' go, I got nervous. Under normal circumstances, I am not a fan of wash n' gos. I find once my hair dries, it just...doesn't...look...right. The curls are defined in some areas and frizzy in others. Lotions and potions that are supposed to set and elongate my curls do nothing except leave film and flakes on my hair. And sleeping on a wash n' go? Aww, hell no. That is just me begging for matted hair and tangles. Never mind the fact that I have multiple textures, and my wash n' gos play up my reverse mullet (short in the back, long on top :() in the worst way. So, yes. When Jackie started talking about wash n' gos, I was not feeling it, but thought, "Hey. It's $20. Let's see what she can do." Best. Decision. Ever.

There were some key details in steps she took during my wash and style that I never have. While she used great products (from the DevaCurl and Kinky Curly lines), I think her methods had more to do with my hair success than her product choice.

1. She finger-detangled. I usually detangle with a wide-tooth comb, and thought I did a pretty damn good job of it too - until I had this epic finger-detangling from Jackie. Yes, it took a bit more time, but after she shampooed and loaded my hair with conditioner, she took her time gently combing through my curls with nothing other than her bare hands. I've always known that finger-detangling doesn't disturb your curl pattern like combs do, but I never thought I had the time to devote to it. I've GOT to be more patient.

2. She had me shake it like a polaroid picture. While my hair was still wet, Jackie had me lean forward with my head hanging down and finished her finger-detangling from that position. Then, she told me to shake my head. At first, I did some weak little side to side motion, but she told me that wasn't enough. I had to shake it. And shake it I did. Shaking your curls out helps to separate them - hello definition, goodbye ugly matting! Even my tightest kinks found a way to pop with my vigorous head shaking. At various points during styling, including after drying, Jackie had my shake my hair like my life depended on it, and it made such a difference. Just please, don't injure yourselves! Defined hair and sore necks don't mix.

3. Drying techniques. Jackie used a microfibre towel to absorb excess water in my hair, then had me sit under a hooded dryer for about 10 minutes. Microfibre towels are great - unlike regular terry cloth towels, microfibres are extremely gentle and absorbent. Regular towels can snag, tear, and create frizz, but microfibres avoid all of that while soaking up any extra moisture in your hair. Sitting under a hooded dryer also helped to speed up drying time. The key was to not sit under the dryer until hair was completely dry - when I came out, my hair was about 80% dry. More shaking helped to dry my hair more, and also helped me to achieve my favourite big-hair look.

4. The nighttime routine. When I left Curl Ambassadors, my hair was so defined and uniform. I didn't have that ugly reverse mullet look, and I was supremely happy. However, I got nervous at nighttime. How was I going to maintain this gorgeous hair, without matting or tangling overnight? I decided to twist my hair into about 7 big twists, tie down with a satin scarf, and hit the sheets. When I woke up in the morning, my curls were elongated, crazy defined, and tangle free! That move made all the difference in the world, and has kept my wash n' go looking awesome for almost a week!

My hair caught the attention of a photographer while I was out at an event this weekend - free photo shoot for the WIN!

I'll be trying these tips out on my own on my next wash day - never have I been so excited for a wash n' go, but my eyes have been opened to the wonders of finger-detangling, hair shaking, microfibre towels, and sleeping in large twists!

Are you a wash n' go lover? Do you struggle with that style at all? Do you already do some of the things that I learned from Jackie at Curl Ambassadors? 


I'M OUT: Philly, Here I Come!

A NECESSARY EVIL: Resume Writing Tips